Eryka & Jaimon
Eryka & Jaimon

Destination Celebration!

Eryka Washington
Jaimon Perry

March 3rd 2022
Riviera Cancun Mexico
1088 Days Ago

We officially met on February 24th, 2018, at the Urban League Gala.  

To be honest... Jaimon had previously googled me when he saw me on the news back in the day! And he will tell you, I spotted him on the street downtown and told Kamilah, "Damn is that your brother!" I am not sure if that is exactly how it happened, but I'll go with it.

Now back to the Gala...Kamilah wanted me to meet her brother for a while, but the timing was never right until that night. We sat next to each other and immediately clicked. We kept each other laughing and talked the entire time. After the event, we all left and went for a drink (mind you, Jaimon doesn't even drink, so clearly, he didn't want the night to end!) We had a wonderful evening, and that was the first night of our love affair.

December 31, 2020 - Our engagement
Jaimon made reservations at Bosphorus Turkish Cuisine at the Hamlin Town Center. We were sitting off by ourselves (socially distanced) with a fire pit nearby; it was a beautiful night. In the middle of enjoying our delicious meal, he asked where my phone was... which was odd. I pulled out my phone, and I had a missed phone call. The phone rang again, and he told me to answer it. It was his daughter, Diansakhu, calling to tell me how much her dad loves me and how she is so happy for us.

I said Yes!!

Once we finished speaking, Jaimon took my hand from across the table, and I believe he told me how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.. but it was a blur, so not sure I actually remember him saying, "Will you marry me." I saw the gorgeous ring, so I said yes, just in case!

We can't wait to celebrate with you!